Starway Hotel Hangzhou Zhongda YIntai City(星程酒店杭州中大銀泰城店)@中國杭州(Hangzhou, China)

3-star hotel (3星級飯店)

Starway Hotel Hangzhou Zhongda YIntai City。星程酒店杭州中大銀泰城店

No. 866 Dongxin Road, Xiacheng District, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China 310004。No. 866 Dongxin Road, Xiacheng District, 余杭區, 杭州, 中國 310004。No. 866 Dongxin Road, Xiacheng District, 余杭区, 杭州(ハンヂョウ), 中国 310004。map

Hangzhou Farm Village of Gonglaohan(杭州龔老漢休閒觀光園)@中國杭州(Hangzhou, China)

3-star hotel (3星級飯店)

Hangzhou Farm Village of Gonglaohan。杭州龔老漢休閒觀光園。ハンヂョウ ファーム ビレッジ オブ ゴンラオハン

On the Guweiqu Road, Inside the Wanjing Village, Wenyixi road, Yuhang District, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China 311121。On the Guweiqu Road, Inside the Wanjing Village, Wenyixi road, Yuhang District, 余杭區, 杭州, 中國 311121。On the Guweiqu Road, Inside the Wanjing Village, Wenyixi road, Yuhang District, 余杭区, 杭州(ハンヂョウ), 中国 311121。map

Nine Nine Service Apartment(玖壹玖酒店公寓杭州火車東站店)@中國杭州(Hangzhou, China)

3-star hotel (3星級飯店)

Nine Nine Service Apartment。玖壹玖酒店公寓杭州火車東站店。ナイン ナイン サービス アパートメント

Room 902, No.2 Building, No.288 Xinfeng Road, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, China。Room 902, No.2 Building, No.288 Xinfeng Road, 余杭區, 杭州, 中國。Room 902, No.2 Building, No.288 Xinfeng Road, 余杭区, 杭州(ハンヂョウ), 中国。map

Qiantang Jiang Villa Garden Hostel(錢塘江邊花園會所別墅)@中國杭州(Hangzhou, China)

2-star hotel (2星級飯店)

Qiantang Jiang Villa Garden Hostel。錢塘江邊花園會所別墅。キャンタンジアン ヴィラ ガーデン ホステル

No.3, Yinmeng No. 6 lane, Jiubaoyuanmengyuan Villa, Yuhang District – Jiubao Bus Terminal, Hangzhou, China 310019。No.3, Yinmeng No. 6 lane, Jiubaoyuanmengyuan Villa, 余杭區-九堡客運中心, 杭州, 中國 310019。No.3, Yinmeng No. 6 lane, Jiubaoyuanmengyuan Villa, 余杭区 九堡客運中心, 杭州(ハンヂョウ), 中国 310019。map

Hanting Hotel Hangzhou Jiubao Branch(漢庭杭州九堡酒店)@中國杭州(Hangzhou, China)

2-star hotel (2星級飯店)

Hanting Hotel Hangzhou Jiubao Branch。漢庭杭州九堡酒店。ハンティン ホテル ハンヂョウ ジウバオ ブランチ

No.1199 Hanghai Road, Yuhang District – Jiubao Bus Terminal, Hangzhou, China 310016。No.1199 Hanghai Road, 余杭區-九堡客運中心, 杭州, 中國 310016。No.1199 Hanghai Road, 余杭区 九堡客運中心, 杭州(ハンヂョウ), 中国 310016。map